Country: Australia
Fall: No
TKW, g:147000
Bibliography:- Bhandari, N.; Potdar, M. B., "Cosmogenic Ne-21 and Ne-22 depth profiles in chondrites", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 58, no. 1, Mar. 1982, p. 116-128 - Matsui, T.; Kani, K.; Matsushima, Y., "Hugoniot of some ordinary chondrites.", Antarctic Meteorites XI. Papers presented to the 11th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 25-27 March 1986, p. 150-151 - Krot, A. N.; Mitreikina, O. B.; Ivanova, M. A.; Stroganov, I. A.; Zinovieva, N. G., "Cr-rich Inclusion of Unusual Texture from the Gilgoin (H5) Chondrite", Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, volume 23, page 735, 03/1992
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