Country: Australia
Fall: No
Class:Iron, IAB-ung
TKW, g:24000000
Bibliography:- Meteoritical Bulletin 40 - Meteoritical Bulletin 61 - Wilson, R. B.; Cooney, A. M., "Western Australia's Mundrabilla Meteorite", Sky and Telescope, volume 33, page 72, 02/1967 - Delaeter, J. R., "The Mundrabilla Meteorite Shower", Meteoritics, volume 7, number 3, page 285, 09/1972 - Müller, O., "Chemical studies of the Mundrabilla iron meteorite", Meteoritics, Vol. 10, p.460, 12/1975 - Ramdohr, Paul; Prinz, Martin; El Goresy, Ahmed, "Silicate inclusions in the Mundrabilla meteorite", Meteoritics, Vol. 10, p.477, 12/1975
MetBull: Direct link

Photo courtesy: Matteo Chinellato

Photo courtesy: Matteo Chinellato

Photo courtesy: Matteo Chinellato

Photo courtesy: Martin Altmann
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