Country: France
Fall: Yes
TKW, g:54
Bibliography:- P.M. Pelé : "Les Météorites de France", BRGM, Hermann Editions, 2005 - L.D. Muller, Physical Methods in Determinative Mineralogy, Academic Press, London, 1967 - W.R. Van Schmus & J.A. Wood, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , n° 31, p. 747, 1967 - D.W.G. Sears & R.T. Dodd, Meteorites and the Early Solar System (J. F. Kerridge and M. S. Matthews Editions), 1988 - D. Stöffler & al., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, n° 55, p. 3845, 1991 - F. Wlotzka, Meteoritics, 1993 - M. Bourot-Denise & al., Workshop on Parent-Body and Nebular Modifications of Chondritic Materials, 1997 - N. Dauphas, B. Zanda, Y. Dubouloz, J. Allemand & L. Sangely, « A new H5/S3/W1 brecciated meteorite from France », 63ème Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2000. - N. Dauphas, B. Zanda, Y. Dubouloz, J. Allemand & L. Sangely, « A new H5/S3/W1 brecciated meteorite from France », Meteoritics and Planetary Science, n° 35, 2000 - Meteoritical Bulletin n° 85, 2001
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Photo courtesy: Yves Dubouloz
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