Country: China
Fall: Yes
TKW, g:4610
Bibliography:- Meteoritical Bulletin 65 - Meteoritics 22 - Rubin, A. E.; Wang, D.; Kallemeyn, G. W.; Wasson, J. T. : "The Ningqiang meteorite - Classification and petrology of an anomalous CV chondrite", Meteoritics, vol. 23, March 1988, p. 13-23 - Mayeda, T. K.; Clayton, R. N.; Kring, D. A. : "Oxygen and Silicon Isotopes in Ningqiang Chondrules", Abstracts and Preliminary Program for the 51st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Held July 18-22, 1988 - Eugster, O.; Michel, Th.; Niedermann, S.; Burger, M.; Kraehenbuehl, U. : "Guangan (L6) and Ningqiang (CV3): Exposure Ages, Radiogenic Ages and Chemical Abundances", Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, volume 19, page 313, 1988 - Wang, D. : "Petrology and mineralogy of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite.", Antarctic Meteorites XIII. Papers presented to the 13th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 7-9 June 1988, p. 25-26 - Chifang, Chai; Xueying, Mao; Shulan, Ma; Sichao, Wang; Qiong, Su : "Implication of Cosmogenic Radionuclides and Trace Elements in the Ningqiang Chondrite", Meteoritics, Vol. 22, p.355, 12/1987 - Kallemeyn, Gregory W.; Rubin, Alan E. : "The Ningqiang Meteorite: An Anomalous CV Chondrite", Meteoritics, Vol. 22, p.425, 12/1987 - Rubin, A. E.; Wang, D.; Kallemeyn, G. W. : "The Ningqiang Carbonaceous Chondrite and the Origin of Aggregational and Granoblastic Chondrules", Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, volume 18, page 860, 1987 - Koeberl, C.; Ntaflos, Th.; Kurat, G.; Chai, C. F. : "Petrology and Geochemistry of the Ningqiang (CV3) Chondrite", Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, volume 18, page 499, 1987 - Wang, D.; Wenzhu, L.; Yonghen, C. : "Zhaodong, Zaoyang and Ningqiang chondrites --- the recently fallen meteorites.", Antarctic Meteorites X. Papers presented to the 10th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 25-27 March 1985, p. 202
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Photo courtesy: La Mémoire de la Terre (Bruno Fectay & Carine Bidaut)

Photo courtesy: Don Edwards
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