Country: United States
Fall: No
TKW, g:200000
Bibliography:- Niederer, F.; Eberhardt, P., "A Neon-E-Rich Phase in Dimmitt", Meteoritics, Vol. 12, p.327, 09/1977 - Bull, R. K.; Durrani, S. A., "Solar-Flare Track Studies of the Elm Creek and Dimmit Chondrites", LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE XI, P. 118., 03/1980 - Rubin, Alan E.; Scott, E. R. D.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus, "The Dimmitt H Chondrite Regolith Breccia and Implications for the Structure of the H Chondrite Parent Body", Meteoritics, Vol. 16, p.382, 12/1981 - Huss, Glenn I., "Sorting Out the Many Falls of the Tulia-Dimmitt Area", Meteoritics, Vol. 17, p.229, 12/1982 - Rubin, A. E.; Scott, E. R. D.; Taylor, G. J.; Keil, K.; Allen, J. S. B.; Mayeda, T. K.; Clayton, R. N.; Bogard, D. D., "Nature of the H chondrite parent body regolith - Evidence from the Dimmitt breccia", Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13th, Houston, TX, March 15-19, 1982, Proceedings. Part 2 - Keil, Klaus; Ehlmann, A. J.; Wieler, Rainer, "The Olton, Texas, H chondrite regolith breccia - Paired with Dimmitt", Meteoritics (ISSN 0026-1114), vol. 25, Dec. 1990, p. 259-261
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Photo courtesy: Jason Phillips

Photo courtesy: Mark Bostick

Photo courtesy: Mark Bostick

Photo courtesy: Don Edwards
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