Country: Poland
Fall: No
Class:Iron, IAB-MG
TKW, g:290000
Bibliography:- Classen, J. 1978 The meteorite craters of Morasko in Poland. Meteoritics, v. 13, pp. 245-255. - Czegka, W. 1996 Remarks on the Morasko crater field and some of its lost morphological features (abstract). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, v. 31, p. A34. - Grieve, R.A.F. 1982 The record of impact on Earth: Implications for a major Cretaceous/Tertiary impact event. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 190, pp. 25-37. - Gurov, E.P. Gurova, E.P. 1987 Impact structures on the Earth's surface (in Russian). Geologicheskii Zhurnal, v. 47, pp. 117-124. - Gurov, E.P. Gurova, E.P. 1984 A group of young meteorite craters in the marginal northwestern part of the Aldan Anteclise (in Russian). "Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Seriya, v. 2, pp. 9-12. - Karaszewski, W. 1974 "Geological studies of meteorite craters in Noerdlingen Ries (West Germany) and at Morasko (Poland) (in Polish)." Przeglad Geologiczny, v. 22, pp. 626-627. - Korpikiewicz, H. 1978 The Morasko meteorite shower (in Russian). Astronomii Chesniy Vestnik, v. 12, pp. 181-184. - Korpikiewicz, H. 1978 Meteoritic shower Morasko. Meteoritics, v. 13, pp. 311-326. - R. Bartoschewitz : "Morasko – The Largest Known Meteorite Strewnfield ?", Meteorite Magazine, 05/2002 - Bartoschewitz R. : "Morasko – najwiekszy znany obszar rozrzutu meteorytow na swiecie ?", Meteoryt 4/2001, 20
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Photo courtesy: One of the eight Morasko craters

Photo courtesy: Meteorite Martin

Photo courtesy: Martin Cimala

Photo courtesy: Don Edwards

Photo courtesy: Krzysztof Turczanski
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