Country: Poland
Fall: Yes
TKW, g:250000
Bibliography:- C.C. Wylie : "ORBIT OF THE PULTUSK METEOR (FIREBALL)", Popular Astron. 48, 306-311, 1940 - L. La Paz : "MATHEMATICAL FORMULA FOR METEORITIC AGE-DETERMINATION AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE PULTUSK METEORITE", Popular Astron. 49, 261-265, 1941 - L. La Paz: "J.G. GALLE ON THE PULTUSK, POLAND, METEORITIC SHOWER", Popular Astron. 50, 441-442, 1942 - J.G. Galle : "CONCERNING THE METEOR OBSERVED ON JAN. 30,1868,WHICH FELL ... AT PULTUSK IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND", Popular Astron. 50, 442-449, 1942 - J.G. Galle : "METEOR OBSERVED ON JANUARY 30, 1868 (PULTUSK FIREBALL)", Popular Astron. 50, 501-509, 1942 - J.G. Galle : "PULTUSK METEOR JANUARY 30, 1868", Popular Astron. 52, 43-47, 1944 - J.G. Galle : "PULTUSK METEOR JANUARY 30, 1868", Popular Astron. 52, 94-98, 1944 - NOTE : "THE 1868 PULTUSK METEORITE SHOWER.", J. British Astron. Assoc. 48, 40-41, 1938
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Photo courtesy: Rob Wesel

Photo courtesy: Peter Marmet

Photo courtesy: Peter Marmet
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